People work hard their entire life to earn a better living. They prefer to utilize their spare time in working so that they could live a great life. But it is a fact that in the process of earning money you may miss a little happiness. One of the big joys of retirement is to travel. You have enough time after retirement to visit the places you always dreamt of. But here arises an important question. Will my Medicare Coverage work when I am outside the United States? Will it follow me wherever I go?


When a person gets retirement, all he wants to do is to use the newfound freedom. It is essential to be careful while getting enrolled in the Medicare and choosing the supplemental coverage products to see the world.

You need to know that the Original Medicare does not cover treatment outside the United States. Also in the territories Puerto Rico, Guam, Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands and American Samoa you will not get benefited from the Original Medicare.

The Original Medicare covers the treatment outside the United States only when:

  • You live on near the border, and the nearest hospital is outside the United States.
  • You are in the United States and have a medical emergency, but the closest hospital that can give treatment is outside the United States.
  • You are on a cruise ship that is within six hours of United States port.

Medicare Travel Insurance for seniors:

Retirement gives you the opportunity to complete your bucket list. You should travel more while you can. Enjoy life and be happy as the old age comes with many difficulties. However, to make your tours enjoyable and safe you can choose the Medicare Travel Insurance Plan. Before picking a Plan, you should carefully review your health.  You should evaluate your health condition and the activities you are going participate in during the travel.

Cost Of Original Medicare you pay:

Well, you have to pay 100 percent of the cost. However, in the scenario discussed above, you pay only the 20% of the approved amount, and the deductible applies part B.

Well, many people say that there is no need to invest in the travel insurance. But it is better for the seniors to understand and evaluate things before making a final decision carefully. But again, remember that the Medicare only pays for the expenses incurred within the borders of the United States. There are many kinds of travel insurance, and it is a bit complicated process to choose which will be the best. You can decide on the base of your health and the budget of course. Remember that some of the Travel insurance offer one type of coverage and some are the comprehensive policies. So pick an insurance Plan according to your requiems and make your traveling safe. The only problem arises when you are outside the United States and need medical treatment.

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